
美國曲解台灣Taiwan under Misconstruction日本人渾然不知


I. 殘存主權 (Residual Sovereignty)

A. 琉球領土
November 14, 1950
Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs to the Deputy Director of that Office (Johnson):
In the circumstances PolAd believes that the territorial provisions of the treaty should be most carefully considered. Specifically he believes that the Allies should "explore the feasibility of territorial provisions which, while allowing the retention of effective control over such areas as may be dictated by security considerations, would avoid the appearance of an outright alienation of sovereignty from Japan, with a consequent rise of irredentism of considerable and possibly dangerous proportions."
1950年11月14日,在東北亞事務辦公室Robert Fearey所提供予該辦公室代理主任Johnson之備忘錄中提及:
在這種情形下,政治顧問(William J.Sebald)認為務必最嚴謹地思考和約之領土條款。尤其是隨著有相當大且可能導致危險之比例支持後續所興起之民族統一主義,他認為同盟國應探討允許在因安全考量,而可能指定之地區保留有效控制,然是可避免看似自日本徹底分離主權之領土條款其可行性。

In advancing this suggestion he appears to have in mind the statement of a Foreign Office official to a member of the Mission that while the Liberals' preference would of course be that the Ryukyus be returned to Japanese sovereignty, the U.S. retaining strategic control and military bases there in the same manner that it will have bases in Japan proper, the Party might as a bare minimum risk signing a treaty
which recognized in principle Japan's right to sovereignty, even though some such arrangement as a trusteeship might temporarily replace sovereignty.

In the face of this division of Allied opinion, the United States felt that the best formula would be to permit Japan to retain residual sovereignty, while making it possible for these islands to be brought into the United Nations trusteeship system, with the United States as administering authority.


B. 台灣領土

a. 1945年9月19日美國情報解密檔案:

b. 1945年9月21至26日間,無日期之美國情報解密檔案:

c. 1946年2月16日
It would appear that Formosa presents a special case in that it was formerly recognized by the U.S. as Japanese territory. It would appear under international law Formosa’s still Japanese territory and will remain Japanese territory until sovereignty is awarded to some other country by means of a formal treaty.
福爾摩沙似乎呈現以前是被美國承認為日本領土之特殊情形。依國際法, 看來福爾摩沙仍為日本領土,也將仍為日本領土,直到依正式條約將主權給與其他國家。

d. CIA Report on March 14, 1949, "Probable Developments in Taiwan": 美國中央情報局於1949年3月14日之報告「在台灣可能之發展」。

1. From the legal standpoint, Taiwan is not part of the Republic of China. Pending a Japanese peace treaty, the island remains occupied territory in which the US has proprietary interests.
2. There is strong sentiment in Taiwan favoring autonomy, but the situation is complicated by the conflicting interests of the native Taiwanese and Chinese Nationalist elements. 在台灣有強烈贊成自治之情緒,但因本土台灣人和國民政府利益衝突而情況複雜。
3. It is unlikely that the US, in any course of action, can avoid incurring the hostility of either the Chinese Nationalists or the Taiwanese, each of whom would resent and resist any US effort to support the other. US acquiescence in Nationalist control of Taiwan is resented by the Taiwanese. Positive support to the Nationalists would probably drive the Taiwanese toward the Communists. 無論美國走那個路線,皆不可能避免招致中國國民黨或台灣人之敵意,每一方會怨憤和阻擋美國對另一方之任何支持。台灣人怨憤美國默許國民黨控制台灣。明確支持國民黨會將迫使台灣人心向共產黨。

On the other hand, US support to Taiwanese aspirations would require taking over authority from the established Nationalist regime. 在另一方面,美國對台灣人渴望自治之支持,就需從國民政府接管權力。

4. Favorable reaction might develop if US program were developed in such a way as to secure local stability and contentment in Taiwan and to satisfy Taiwanese sentiment in favor of autonomy. 如果美國的計劃,是朝確保地方安定和在台灣滿意度,以及滿足台灣人贊成自治情緒之方向發展,將發展出有利的迴響。

5. It is very probable that the separation of the economy of Taiwan from the Chinese mainland and the reorientation of that economy toward Japan would under present circumstances be beneficial to Taiwan, Japan, and the US. 將台灣的經濟自中國大陸分離而轉向日本,在目前情況下很可能對台灣日本及美國皆有利。


e. 韓戰會議 (Conferences on Korean War)

The Blair House, where the Trumans were living while the White House was undergoing renovation and repairs, is the official state guest house for the President of the United States.
First Conference at the Blair House on the night of June 25, 1950 1950年6月25日晚間之第一次布雷爾宮會議

Truman now gave his orders:
3. The Seventh Fleet should prepare to leave the Philippines and steam toward Japan. Everyone understood that the Seventh Fleet would actually move to the Formosa Strait.
接著杜魯門發佈命令: 3. 第七艦隊應準備離開菲律賓而駛向日本。其實每個人心裡明白第七艦隊實際上是要移動至台灣海峽。

Second Conference at the Blair House on the night of June 26, 1950. 1950年6月26日晚間之第二次布雷爾宮會議

The Secretary of State began reading a list of recommendations:
2. The Seventh Fleet should sail between Formosa and China.
Truman also agreed with number two. He then wondered if Formosa should be rejoined with Japan. If so, the island would be under General MacArthur's command and could thus be protected from an attack by Mao Tse-tung. Acheson suggested that the idea was a possibility, but that it would need further study. He added that he thought it "undesirable" for the United States to become involved in the administration of Formosa. Truman insisted that he was not going to give Chiang a single nickle more.
國務卿開始讀出一連串之建議: 2. 第七艦隊應航至福爾摩沙和中國之間。

f. 1960年美國最高法院就Rogers v. Sheng案,針對Formosa地位之聲明: The court described the status of Formosa as follows:
"Following World War II, Japan surrendered all claims of sovereignty over Formosa. But in the view of our State Department, no agreement has 'purported to transfer the sovereignty of Formosa to (the Republic of) China.' At the present time, We accept the exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa, and recognize the Government of the Republic of China as the legal government of China." 法官說明福爾摩沙地位如下: 第二次世界大戰後,日本放棄宣有福爾摩沙主權。然而,我們國務院的看法是:並無協議曾寫明將台灣主權移轉予中國(中華民國)。目前,我們接受中國人政權在福爾摩沙,承認中華民國政府是中國合法政府。

II. 殘存國籍 (Residual Nationality)

A. 琉球人民
在美國託管期間之琉球人,雖需持美國治理當局所核發之「琉球旅行文件」進入日本,基於琉球人保有「天賦不可移轉國民義務」以為「殘存國籍(residual nationality)」,其日本國民之身份因只是被懸置並無被廢除,為日後琉球人得以恢復日本國籍之法理依據。

B. 台灣人民

1. 由國民效忠義務內涵衍生國民對國家有應接受「教育(education)」、「徵稅(taxation)」以及「徵兵(draft)」之萬國公法中三大「天賦不可移轉(natural inalienable)」國民義務。因此,移轉國民對其國家之天賦效忠義務是「非法(unlawful)」。

2. 日本政府依舊金山和平條約Article 2(b)是必須放棄對台灣之「非天賦可移轉主權權利(管轄權)」。自1952年8月5日起,因日華台北和約生效,相對剝奪原本具有日本國民身份之台灣住民,對日本之「非天賦可移轉國民權利」。由於台灣住民在1945年4月1日,因日本明治憲法之完整施行於全台灣,成為正式之日本國民後,其對日本之「天賦不可移轉國民義務」在中國殖民政權佔領期間,並不可「被廢除(abrogated)」而只是「被懸置(suspended)」,致如有「殘存國籍(residual nationality)」。

3. 日本政府與中華人民共和國政府在1972年9月29日簽署「日中共同聲明」,廢除日華台北和約,日本政府已不再有將台灣人當做中國人之法源。

4. March 18, 2008 District Court Decision:
Plaintiffs have essentially been persons without a state for almost 60 years. 美國地方法院於2008年3月18日判決:


1. 由美國方面所解密之資料可得知,美國當局正是混淆台灣地位之始作俑者。在太平洋戰爭過程中,美國方面之迷失為:

A. 將法理身份為日本國民之福爾摩沙裔台灣住民當作中國人。

B. 將太平洋戰區之日本台灣當作中國戰區之中國台灣。日本在1945年4月1日將台灣編入為其國土之一部份後,曾經參與太平洋戰爭中菲律賓戰役及琉球戰役之美國陸軍第五航空隊,是接受太平洋戰區麥克阿瑟將軍而非中國戰區魏德邁將軍之指揮,於1945年5月31日自菲律賓蘇克比灣基地起飛執行對日本台灣台北地區之轟炸任務。日本台灣十分明確是太平洋戰區而非中國戰區。

C. 依政治考量處理台灣而無視台灣法理歸屬。就政治面而言,由前述韓戰會議記錄可知,美國並未排斥讓台灣回歸日本主權之可能性。就法理面而言,美國在萬國公法架構內依舊金山和平條約Article 2(b),讓台灣回復日本主權下自治區之本來面目是完全有正當性。

D. 縱容中國方面違反國際法,錯將「佔領日本台灣」當作「光復中國台灣」,進而「將錯就錯」以致:

a. 無需依戰爭法成立「台灣民政府」。
b. 將「和裔台灣住民(Japanese citizens of Formosa)」遣返日本本土。

2. 中國佔領當局治理台灣三部曲
初期: 將本土台灣人視為日本人,以掠奪迫害。
中期: 將本土台灣人當作中國人,以方便統治。
後期: 將流亡中國人當作台灣人,以創造模糊 。

3. 美國當局因主觀及誤認所造成之「台灣地位錯亂(confusions on Taiwan status)」,導致本土台灣人苦難。

4. 美國如支持台灣民政府實現自治,就應從中國殖民政權接管台灣治理權後,在適當時機移交予「台灣民政府」。

5. 日本對目前被中國殖民政權所佔領之台灣尚保有「天賦不可移轉主權義務」以為「殘存主權(residual sovereignty)」,而本土台灣人則尚保有「天賦不可移轉國民義務」以為「殘存國籍(residual nationality)」。

因此,就賑災日本而言,中華台北政府體制內任何名義之捐助,是基於對鄰國日本之「人道考量(humanitarian concern)」。相對地,「台灣民政府」體制內任何名義之捐助,則是除了基於「人道考量」外,尚有對母國日本之「殘存效忠(residual allegiance)」。同樣是捐助日本,其所代表之意義是完全不同。

(The Government of the United States should make atonement for the people of Taiwan by restoring Taiwan to its normal status under the Law of Nations.)


作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長
2013/12/12 赴日訪問團出發前

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