
台灣戰爭史回顧 (324)


從舊金山和約到「台灣民政府」(From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government)。最近有位Jeff Geer發表了”From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government(TCG)”文章,其中有些觀點不符合國際法理,因此,針對這篇文章提出看法檢討如下:

1. TCG would mark an official end of the legal relics of the martial law era, because the ROC gov't-in-exile on Taiwan and USMG-Taiwan would be legally terminated by TCG. 「台灣民政府會正式將戒嚴令畫下句點,因為,中華民國流亡政府,及台灣美國軍政府會被台灣民政府所合法取代。」

2. The interim and provisional nature of civil administration by TCG would not terminate the Taiwan Question under SFPT.「台灣民政府乃本質為過渡,且臨時之民政機構,在舊金山和平條約架構內,並不能終結台灣問題。」

3. TCG would guarantee self-determination by Taiwan nationals before any final treaty status under the Shanghai Communique and Taiwan Relations Act.「在依照上海公報及台灣關係法,以制訂任何條約,而達最終地位前,台灣民政府會保證台灣國民得自己做決定。」

總而言之,歸根究底,台灣問題之癥結,就在日本於1945年9月2日,向盟軍正式投降之時點,台灣領土其「當前法理地位(de jure present status)」如何認定?!

A. 台灣如為日本殖民地
a. 讓台灣獨立 (Libya模式)
b. 讓台灣併入中國 (Eritrea模式)
c. 讓台灣回歸日本 (Italian Somaliland模式)


B. 台灣如為日本國土一部份
則台灣美國軍政府,依本土台灣人在台灣民政府體制內,所施行之內部自決,經由「台灣自治或回歸日本」移轉台灣治理權,具正當性。其中,日本主權下之「台灣自治」,是當年杜勒斯所提供給本土台灣人之願景,完全符合舊金山和平條約Article 2b之原意。因此,在這種情況下,設立台灣民政府,等同起始台灣地位正常化,而且,當其轉型為「台灣自治政府」後,即是在舊金山和平條約架構內,完成台灣地位正常化,以終結台灣問題。

ROC conscription would cease because it is illegal. However, territorial self-defense is still authorized under the UN Charter for non-selfgoverning territories. 「中華民國將會停止非法徵兵。然而,台灣民政府在聯合國憲章「非自治領土」架構內,仍會有權自衛。」

A. Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan
(signed on September 8, 1951)
The treaty of Peace recognizes that Japan as a sovereign nation has the right to enter into collective security arrangements, and further, the Charter of the United Nations recognizes that all nations possess an inherent right of individual and collective self-defense.

B. U.S. and Japan Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement
(signed on March 8, 1954)
Reaffirming their belief as stated in the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951 that Japan as a sovereign nation possesses the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense referred to in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. 1954年3月8日,美國與日本所簽訂共同協防協議序言提出:「再度肯定於1951年9月8日,在舊金山市簽訂對日和約中,所陳述之想法,日本身為主權國家,依據聯合國憲章第51條,擁有個別或集體自衛之天賦權利。」



作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長

參考:「From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government」
By Jeff Geer

First, Congress will have to authorize an organic act for TCG. Then TCG would form its own "Taiwan Constitution" within the broad statutory guidelines of the TCG Organic Act.

There is most likely a "U.S. High Commissioner" and a locally elected "Taiwan President" of TCG. The TCG Congress would be locally elected, but TCG Courts would be a judicial branch of combined US and Taiwan judges. TCG's "international business courts" might have US-trained judges fluent in English, while Taiwan judges might dominate local courts in Taiwanese. The TCG Supreme Court would most likely have right of appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, much like the Philippines until 1946. The American Bill of Rights would become applicable to Taiwan nationals under TCG. No more five Yuan branches of ROC.
The TCG Congress might be bicameral plus an American-style executive branch. Or it is possible to pursue a unicameral parliament with European prime ministers composed of its legislature for executive functions.

The TCG Congress should be able to independently ratify any US signed treaty under the American doctrine of "treaty-making powers". Under this, TCG is a legal creature of administrative authority under SFPT, and much like any British legislative colony, TCG would be able to join and ratify international treaties signed by the USA. This is major legal legal distinction from any other past and present dependent territories of the U.S., and this treaty power is legally compatible with WTO independent separate customs territory. It is crucial not to degrade those current treaty powers of an exiled government and TCG would actually open the door for more access in the international community. TCG would mark an official end of the legal relics of the martial law era, because the ROC gov't-in-exile on Taiwan and USMG-Taiwan would be legally terminated by TCG. The interim and provisional nature of civil administration by TCG would not terminate the Taiwan Question under SFPT.
TCG would be civil administration by civilian government and not military by legal nature. It would guarantee self-determination by Taiwan nationals before any final treaty status under the Shanghai Communiques and Taiwan Relations Act.

ROC conscription would cease because it is illegal. However, territorial self-defense is still authorized under the UN Charter for non-selfgoverning territories. TCG's Taiwanese-elected politicians would probably decommission the current armed forces and introduce American bases back into Taiwan. This would end the arms race with China and any corruption with the French suppliers.

Taiwan aboriginals would be able to assert federal reservations on Taiwan cession, much like Indian Country in America. This would be highly autonomous like tribal governments, and they would have tribal courts, too. Aboriginal casinos could fleece the PRC tourists in exchange for the last 65 years of Chinese rule. Macau triads would not function well in the TCG court system because of RICO prosecutions by aggressive criminal investigations of FBI agents on Taiwan.


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