
台灣戰爭史回顧 (333)


中國國民黨與共產黨已經串通的證據( Collusion of KMT with CCP)。中國國民黨和中國共產黨表面「內戰」,其實已經「勾串在一起」,美國方面的情報人員也全面介入,包括中華民國民進黨指派洪奇昌赴北京談判(請看前文:中華民國民進黨與中國共產黨胡錦濤),現在美國又透露中國國民黨和共產黨的醜陋面目,希望本土台灣人要提高警覺。

Michael Richardson2011年4月19日,發表「美國在台協會有關台海兩岸政治里程碑」維基解密電報(American Institute in Taiwan WikiLeaks cable on cross-strait political milestone),經整理,重點摘述如下:

1. The confidential cable, prepared on November 25, 2009, was sent by William A. Stanton, Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, to the State Department in Washington, D.C. with copies to the Defense Department, the National Security Council, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency.
美國現任台協會台北處長William A. Stanton,於2009年11月25日發送機密電報予華府國務院,附件分送國防部、國安會、國防情報局及中央情報局。

2. Stanton reported on the "Cross-Strait at 60 Years" conference held in Taipei on November 13-14, 2009. Stanton wrote the conference marked a “milestone” in political discussions between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan.

3. Stanton’s cable continued: "The PRC delegates’ united front effort to convince Taiwan of the virtues of unification were in full force at the conference. The PRC delegates repeatedly highlighted the ethnic, cultural and linguistic ties between the two sides, arguing that, but for foreign intervention since the mid-19th century, the Chinese nation would have been whole long ago. The PRC delegation also argued that, while Beijing was against Taiwan independence, it did not oppose a Taiwan identity within a one-China framework."

4. "Taiwan participants, most of whom supported the KMT and not the independence-minded opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), also agreed there was but one China of which Taiwan was a part," wrote Stanton. "While the PRC representatives were conciliatory about the formal names used to refer to the PRC and Taiwan, they were clear that any accord would have to conform to Beijing’s One China principle and, by implication, recognize Beijing as the national authority."

5. America’s role in Taiwan’s status was dismissed by the former Chinese generals attending the conference. “The generals further stated that the two sides could resolve existing maritime and territorial issues without interference from the United States or Japan. In fact, they argued, as both sides became more comfortable with one another there would be no need for the United States to be involved in the Western Pacific at all.”

這是一段令本土台灣人震驚的報導,台灣「政情如此混亂」,美國過去的「模糊政策」應該做修正的準備。由解密資料可推論:美國政府是已充分得知,確認中國國共兩黨正企圖聯手,串通將台灣併入中國之具體證據。然而,已接獲情資之美國政府絕非省油的燈。美國政府深知美國在台灣地位角色,絕不可能違反美國憲法所承認之萬國公法,及聯合國憲章Article 2.4(領土完整原則),將「目前法理地位(present status de jure)」仍歸屬日本之台灣,任憑中國國共兩黨處置。

基於台灣已成為美中逐鹿之地,一方面,美國有關單位是正在趕建位於內湖之New U.S. Compound,及其他之「軍事設施」,另一方面,「中華台北」則是設法橫加阻擾以延緩完工落成時日。中國國共兩黨無視台灣在國際法上的地位,企圖將「台灣」私相授受,妄想使成為中國之一部份,進而將美國勢力逐出西太平洋,這終將只是台海兩岸中國人(非台灣人)永遠不可能實現之南軻一夢。


作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長


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