
台灣戰爭史回顧 (326)


美國媒體人MICHAEL RICHARDSON 0320 在臺北演講內容

(注意:以下是美國媒體人的錄音翻譯,內容中的 獨立、建國 並非台灣民政府的主張,請勿曲解)

Taiwan, Formosa Betrayed Again and Again台灣,美麗島一再又被背叛。Taiwan, The Betrayers of Formosa are many 台灣啊!您的背叛者很多,one is named America 一個重要的叛徒叫做美國。she who owes the Formosans a sacred duty of protection 應保護您的我國確實背叛您,and stewardship on your path of emancipation from the 應護著您走上建國之路,precarious Chinese slavery imposed upon you by us使得您自中國之奴婢脫離而真正解放,美國未盡到其審慎義務。

Taiwan, Obama has been an even greater betrayer than previous Presidents台灣啊!歐巴馬比起前任總統更令我擔憂您。who publicly openly acknowledged the as yet unfinished business之前一一有公開毫不退縮的聲稱美國對於美麗島嶼之未完成之建國工程,of the future status of a self-determined free Formosa為建立一個新獨立自決之自由美麗島。

Taiwan, Obama has been deafly silent on Formosa台灣啊!歐巴馬如此沉默,and silence in the face of Chinese oppression within Formosa and from without在面對中國人在台灣內外之壓迫時,is morally unacceptable for a leader of the free world如此沉默係違背身為自由世界領袖之身份地位。

America美國,it is my duty as your public examiner 身為您的獨立公審者,guardian from your fourth estate 身為第四勢力的監督者,to criticize you lovingly因深愛而批判您!because I care not only about for the longsuffering Formosans因本不但愛惜吃苦耐勞台灣人,but for America whose conscience is stained by our support 更因本不得不關心美國靈魂,of the White facism of the Chinese exile terrorists in Formosa因未阻止,明知道在美麗島嶼發生中之一切中國流亡恐怖分子之白色法西斯行為,而未出聲阻止。

I speak to the American Congress我對美國國會發聲說,when I say you must not betray Formosa again您們不得再度背叛美麗島嶼,you must allow Formosa her civil government您必須允許授權「台灣民政府」之即將平安成立,a government of Formosans for Formosans by Formosans in Formosa一個完全屬於台灣人之為台灣人民之由台灣人組成之「台灣民政府」,I chide the Department of Justice to not impede我警告美國法務部不得不允許,the soon establishment of the Washington DC Capitol Hill and Congressional Liaison即將於華府山莊開始運作之「台灣民政府」駐美辦事處以及美國國會聯絡處,Office of the Formosa Civil Government, for Formosa is not foreign to America, and her agents in our capitol exercising their 因美麗島嶼對我美國而言並非外國,係國內,因此「台灣民政府」代表無須登記,constitutional first amendment rights to petition our government, rights for which the 而這「民政府」和人民有訴求美國救濟之權利。

KMT has persecuted Dr. Roger Lin by compelling his testimony before the Chinese 就因林博士訴求過美國法院救濟台灣人民,中國流亡國民黨組織企圖以外患罪名實施司法政治迫害在其所屬Exile High Court of Star Chamber (設立高檢法庭(Court of StarChamber),由自己指派親信掌理,專司逮捕審訊有反叛嫌疑的貴族。) on charges of treason 可是林博士並未背叛台灣,而背叛中華民國係台灣人之神職權利義務﹗
preposterous 絕對荒謬指控「外患,叛徒」for even the Grand Justices of the exile China government permitted by America to 大法官在1946年已經聲稱台灣人為日本國國民,無須效忠中華民國,無法因二戰身份而視為叛徒無誤。 refuge in free Formosa admit that native Formosans owe not their allegiance to free China, for the native Formosans were Japanese nationals in the second World War, not Chinese nationals 我們美麗島人民不是中華民國國民。

Oh so many murdered Formosan souls眾多被暗殺之台灣優秀精英之靈魂,each irreplaceable 每一個不可替代,each precious 每個寶貴each beloved每個被愛,the son of parents, the brother of siblings, the father of children, the dear spouse and 家長之寶貝、兄弟之情、孩子之父、親愛得配偶,breadwinner of a family 一家之主stolen, kidnapped, murdered, betrayed被偷走、拐騙、殺害、背叛。

betrayed by my country, my people, my government, my President 被我國背叛﹐我人民﹐我政府﹐我總統背叛﹐背叛﹐背叛shall I not admonish my own country我如何不批判我自己敬愛的國家?shall I not criticize the family I love我如何不批判我家人之失職?it is my duty to speak for you, to be your voice 我不得不為您發聲,作為您的寶島之聲音。to petition America to do that sacred duty which the panel of three judges of the nation's訴求美國第二高級法院三位法官無反對通過之判決,意志必須實施 second highest court in the land unanimously declared to be the job of President Obama,他們清楚聲稱歐巴馬對台灣人民有義務宣佈其權利,to declare the de jure status of Formosa and America's duties以及美麗島嶼之法理地位未定狀態,以及美國保護台灣之審慎義務責任不可推卸,to protect and defend the native Formosans and their rights and liberties 我們必須保障本土台灣人民之權利自由,I will not stand silent as my Formosan brethren are betrayed for commercial interests or Chinese nationalist tendencies我不會沉默視而不見我美麗島嶼兄弟姊妹們,因經濟利益交換被出賣,或因中國民族情緒被傷害。

I will be my brother's keeper 我豈是看守我兄弟的!

Formosa, family, friends, fathers, fellows, you are not alone! 美麗島, 我家人、我朋友、父親們、同仁們、您們並不孤獨孤立也﹗Formosa, beloved, treasured, dearest, favored, you are not alone!美麗島,親愛得、寶貴的、寶貝的、甜蜜的、您並不單獨!寂寞、孤立也﹗Formosa, I am your friend, be with me, stand with me, speak with me, join hands with me as we fight together to declare that we want a free Formosa.

NOW! free Formosa NOW! free Formosa NOW! Taiwan!美麗島!我係您友人和我站在一起,站起來!一起發聲!手牽手!大聲訴求我們要自由美麗島。自由台灣﹗現在﹗立刻﹗立即﹗台灣﹗

We declare the four doubles are in double trouble 我們宣佈不再允許政客糊弄百姓,No more double speak, Washington 對於模糊政策,騙人說辭,我們警告華府

No more double dealing, K Street 不再容忍政客收買官員和政策黑箱作業
No more double standards ,不再允許雙重標準!
No more double __________ , 不再容忍

instead we demand America double up on her values 我們堅決要求美國雙倍實施真實美國人之真實價值觀﹗double freedom, redouble democracy, protect Formosa, be accounted!雙倍自由民主人權法治,雙倍護著台灣,我們要您公開帳目,公審您美國﹗

Truman said the future political status of Formosa must await America's determination of the right time, 杜魯門總統說台灣地位未定將來美國決定何時再定。Eisenhower declared that Formosa could not be involved in a Chinese civil war between the CCP and KMT or ROC in exile and PRC in China, but must be kept neutral by the US pending the future determination of her political status,艾森豪總統說美麗島嶼必須中立於任何中國之內戰,無論國共還是中華民國跟中華人民共和國,台灣之未來需要等待美國決定何時處理。Carter declared that the One true China is the PRC, and we will recognize the PRC as the sole legal government of all of China, which means the former ROC territory in its entirety,卡特總統聲稱中華民國所有國土已淪陷給中共統治,因此承認一個中國完全屬於中華人民共和國,實施所有中國國家主權﹐其不函蓋台灣島也。so the One China policy is no enemy of Formosa or Taiwan, that policy addresses only the US relations with China這一個中國政策,對於中華民國是死神無誤﹐對於美麗島嶼無任何影響

Taiwan or Formosa are not the territory of the ROC 台灣美麗島不是中華民國領域,Taiwan is legally entrusted to the superior command responsibility of those who sent the Chinese refugees to Formosa to administer her in trust for 台灣屬於美國佔領中,應該派人來接受投降,而讓中國難民(中華民國軍事政府)佔領,台灣統治當局而需要負擔監督責任,因信託管理責任是在我美國無誤。

When will Formosa be free 何時美麗島可自由也?when we will act, unceasingly, unfailingly, unflinchingly 一旦我們有決心之實體行動、不妥協、不退縮、不停止的。to say to America, let Formosa be free! Free Formosa! Free Formosa! Free Formosa! Taiwan! Taiwan! Taiwan!向美利堅眾和國訴求﹐給予台灣自由﹐解放福爾摩沙﹗自由福爾摩沙﹗自由福爾摩沙﹗台灣﹗台灣﹗台灣﹗


台灣民政府 中央辦公廳錄音翻譯


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